Dialysis disease and types of dialysis


What are dialysis and its types?

Dialysis is a method for purifying the blood outside the body from waste and toxic substances such as urea and creatinine, as well as reducing excess and free water in the blood. In this method, the blood obtained from a temporary or permanent vascular path is fed into the body at a speed of 300 ml per minute. Capillaries made of semi-synthetic membranes are pumped. Dialysis fluid moves on the opposite side.

Diffusion through the membrane makes it possible for waste and toxic substances to enter the dialysis fluid, and the returned blood is free of toxic substances.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. Dialysis is an operation that replaces many of the natural functions and responsibilities of the kidneys. Dialysis allows people to live a good and useful life even though their kidneys are no longer working well.

When do patients need dialysis?

Patients usually need to undergo dialysis when their body's waste material becomes so much that it causes discomfort in their body. The level of waste products usually increases gradually in the body. Doctors measure various chemicals in the blood to see when a patient needs dialysis. Two of the most important blood chemicals that are measured for this are creatinine and blood urea. When the amount of these two substances increases in the blood, it indicates that the ability of the kidneys to purify the body from waste materials has decreased.

Types of dialysis

There are two main types of dialysis: 1- Blood dialysis 2- Peritoneal dialysis

In blood dialysis or hemodialysis, a special type of filter is used to remove waste materials and excess water from the body by means of a hemodialysis machine.

In peritoneal dialysis, waste materials and excess water are removed from the body through a liquid that is placed in the patient's abdominal cavity with a plastic tube.

What does the patient do during dialysis?

Hemodialysis treatment takes place in the hemodialysis unit. A hemodialysis unit is a special building equipped with machines that perform dialysis treatment.

Patients should visit the dialysis unit usually three times a week. For example, Saturday/Monday/Wednesday or Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday. Each hemodialysis session lasts about 2 to 4 hours. For this reason, the dialysis bed should be of high quality and very comfortable so that the patient does not get tired during dialysis.

In peritoneal dialysis, it is necessary for the patient to have a more active role in his treatment. One of the most important issues is the patient's responsibility to maintain sterility to prevent infection.

In this operation, the patient first weighs himself to choose the right liquid, then the patient wears a mask and cleans the tube. The fluid that was in the peritoneal cavity is allowed to drain and a new solution is injected into the peritoneal cavity. This operation usually takes 30 minutes.

Advantages of different types of dialysis

Both types of dialysis have advantages and disadvantages depending on the patient's lifestyle, support system, and level of responsibility

A decision is made. Each patient should look at these two types of treatment methods from his own point of view.

Blood dialysis is usually preferred in patients who have a suitable vessel for creating an arteriovenous fistula.

For many patients, one of the most important advantages of hemodialysis is that they have no involvement in treatment. All they have to do is go to a hospital or dialysis clinic.

For those patients who prefer more independent treatments, peritoneal dialysis has a more flexible schedule and can be done at home. But he still has to spend an hour daily for dialysis.

The most important problem of peritoneal dialysis is the possibility of infection. The patient has a plastic tube that goes outside the body from the peritoneal cavity, and this can increase the possibility of bacteria entering the body.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering and actually purifying waste materials from the blood. Dialysis is an operation that replaces many of the natural functions and responsibilities of the kidneys. Kidneys are two organs located on both sides of the back of the abdominal cavity. Dialysis allows people to live a good and useful life even though their kidneys are no longer working well.

Dialysis helps the body by performing the functions of the failed kidneys. Kidneys have different roles in the body. One of the important and main functions of the kidneys is to regulate the water balance of the body. They do this by regulating the amount of urine that leaves the body on a daily basis. On hot days, the body sweats more. As a result, less water must be excreted from the kidneys. In cold days, when the body sweats less, to maintain the proper balance in the body, the output of urine should be more. It is the duty of the kidneys to regulate body fluids through urine output.

Another main function of the kidneys is to remove waste products that the body produces during the day. In various functions of the body, cells consume energy. Cell function produces waste products that must be removed from the body. When these waste materials are not sufficiently removed from the body, they accumulate in the body. An increase in the amount of these waste materials in the body is called azotemia, which is measured by a blood test. When waste materials accumulate in the body, a bad condition is created in the body, which is called uremia or blood urea.

When do patients need dialysis?

Patients usually need to undergo dialysis when their body's waste material becomes so much that it causes discomfort in their body. The level of waste products usually increases gradually in the body. Doctors measure various chemicals in the blood to see when a patient needs dialysis. Two of the most important blood chemicals that are measured for this are creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. When the amount of these two substances increases in the blood, it indicates that the ability of the kidneys to purify the body from waste materials has decreased.

Doctors use urine test, creatinine purification to measure the level of kidney function and activity. The patient keeps the urine in a special container for a whole day. Waste materials in urine and blood are measured by measuring the amount of creatinine. By comparing the level of this substance in the blood and urine, the doctor can determine whether the kidneys are working or not. The result of this process is called creatinine clearance. Usually, when the creatinine clearance test drops to 10-12 cc/minute, the patient needs dialysis.

The doctor uses other indicators to determine the patient's condition to decide whether he needs dialysis. If the patient has a major inability to extract waste materials from the body, or if he has heart, lung, stomach, etc. diseases, or if he has problems with the sense of taste or numbness in his feet, although it is possible to purify creatinine to that extent. If it is said that it has not decreased, dialysis is recommended.

Types of dialysis

There are two main types of dialysis: "homodialysis" and "peritoneal dialysis". In hemodialysis, a special type of filter is used to remove waste materials and excess water from the body. In peritoneal dialysis, waste materials and excess water are removed from the body through a liquid that is placed in the patient's abdominal cavity with a plastic tube.

In hemodialysis, the patient's blood passes through a filter in the dialysis machine called a dialysis membrane. In this operation, a special plastic tube is placed between an artery and a vein in the arm or leg. Sometimes, there is a direct connection between the artery and the vein in the hand. This operation is called Cimino Fistula. The needles are placed between this link and the hematopoietic is pushed through the filter device into the dialysis machine and back into the patient's body. In the dialysis machine, a solution on the other side of the filter receives waste materials from the patient's body.

In peritoneal dialysis, the tissues inside the patient's abdomen are used as a filter. The intestines are located inside the abdominal cavity, in the space between the abdominal wall and the back vertebrae. A plastic tube called a dialysis bag is inserted through the abdominal wall into the abdominal cavity. Then a special liquid is introduced into the abdominal cavity, which washes the intestines. The intestinal wall acts as a filter between this fluid and the blood stream. Using different types of solutions, waste materials and excess water can be removed from the patient's body with this operation.

What does the patient do during dialysis?

Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis treatment takes place in the hemodialysis unit. A hemodialysis unit is a special building equipped with machines that perform dialysis treatment. The unit is also a place where patients can seek advice for their dietary or social needs.

Patients should visit the dialysis unit usually three times a week. For example, Saturday/Monday/Wednesday or Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday. Before the treatment, patients weigh themselves to determine the amount of waste materials that have accumulated in their body from the previous dialysis until that time. Then patients sit on special chairs that are like armchairs. The graft area (junction between artery and vein) is thoroughly cleaned. Then two needles are inserted into the graft. One of these needles takes the blood into the machine, where it is purified, and the other needle returns the purified blood to the patient's body.

The treatment takes 2 to 4 hours. During these hours, dialysis personnel constantly check the patient's blood pressure and adjust the dialysis machine to ensure that the correct amount of fluid is removed from the patient's body. Patients can read, sleep or do other things during this time.

Peritoneal dialysis

In peritoneal dialysis, it is necessary for the patient to have a more active role in his treatment. One of the most important issues is the patient's responsibility to maintain a flat surface on the abdomen on which the treatment is performed to prevent infection.

In this operation, the patient first weighs himself to choose the right liquid. Then the patient wears a mask and cleans the peritoneal cavity. The fluid allowed to remain in the peritoneal cavity is transferred to the plastic bag that previously contained the fluid. Then the patient cuts that bag and connects the bag of a new solution, which should be drawn into the peritoneal cavity. When the fluid is in the body, the new bag is tubed and placed in the patient's underwear until the next treatment. This operation usually takes 30 minutes and should be done 5 times a week.

Advantages of different types of dialysis

Both types of dialysis, hemodialysis and protonyl dialysis, have advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the patient to decide which of these operations is best for him based on his lifestyle, other illnesses, support system, and his level of responsibility in the treatment plan. Each patient should look at these two types of treatment methods from his own point of view.

Regardless of the type of dialysis they choose, patients have various responsibilities, such as following a meal plan, paying attention to their fluid intake, and taking vitamins and other medications to control blood pressure and calcium and phosphate balance.

For many patients, one of the most important advantages of hemodialysis is that they have no involvement in treatment. All they have to do is go to a hospital or dialysis clinic. In addition, in dietary hemodialysis. Controlling body fluids is more difficult than peritoneal dialysis.

For those patients who prefer more independent treatments, peritoneal dialysis has a more flexible schedule and can be done at home. But he still has to spend an hour daily for dialysis, but he can adjust the schedule according to his work. In addition, peritoneal dialysis should be performed every day of the week.

The most important problem of peritoneal dialysis is the possibility of infection. The patient has a plastic tube that goes out of the peritoneal cavity, and this can increase the possibility of bacteria entering the body.

How can patients increase their information about dialysis?

There are many sources of information available to dialysis patients. The patient's doctor usually has video tapes in which the dialysis techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of each are explained very well.

Dialysis at a glance

Dialysis is an operation that can replace many of the normal functions of the kidneys.

Dialysis allows kidney failure patients to live a good and fruitful life.

There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Types of dialysis

There are two main types of dialysis: "homodialysis" and "peritoneal dialysis". In hemodialysis, a special type of filter is used to remove waste materials and excess water from the body. In peritoneal dialysis, waste materials and excess water are removed from the body through a liquid that is placed in the patient's abdominal cavity with a plastic tube.

In hemodialysis, the patient's blood passes through a filter in the dialysis machine called a dialysis membrane. In this operation, a special plastic tube is placed between an artery and a vein in the arm or leg. Sometimes, there is a direct connection between the artery and the vein in the hand. This operation is called Cimino Fistula. The needles are placed between this link and the hematopoietic is pushed through the filter device into the dialysis machine and back into the patient's body. In the dialysis machine, a solution on the other side of the filter receives waste materials from the patient's body.

In peritoneal dialysis, the tissues inside the patient's abdomen are used as a filter. The intestines are located inside the abdominal cavity, in the space between the abdominal wall and the back vertebrae. A plastic tube called a dialysis bag is inserted through the abdominal wall into the abdominal cavity. Then a special liquid is introduced into the abdominal cavity, which washes the intestines. The intestinal wall acts as a filter between this fluid and the blood stream. Using different types of solutions, waste materials and excess water can be removed from the patient's body with this operation.

What does the patient do during dialysis?

Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis treatment takes place in the hemodialysis unit. A hemodialysis unit is a special building equipped with machines that perform dialysis treatment. The unit is also a place where patients can seek advice for their dietary or social needs.

Patients should visit the dialysis unit usually three times a week. For example, Saturday/Monday/Wednesday or Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday. Before the treatment, patients weigh themselves to determine the amount of waste materials that have accumulated in their body from the previous dialysis until that time. Then patients sit on special chairs that are like armchairs. The graft area (junction between artery and vein) is thoroughly cleaned. Then two needles are inserted into the graft. One of these needles takes the blood into the machine, where it is purified, and the other needle returns the purified blood to the patient's body.

The treatment takes 2 to 4 hours. During these hours, dialysis personnel constantly check the patient's blood pressure and adjust the dialysis machine to ensure that the correct amount of fluid is removed from the patient's body. Patients can read, sleep or do other things during this time.

Peritoneal dialysis

In peritoneal dialysis, it is necessary for the patient to have a more active role in his treatment. One of the most important issues is the patient's responsibility to maintain a flat surface on the abdomen on which the treatment is performed to prevent infection.

In this operation, the patient first weighs himself to choose the right liquid. Then the patient wears a mask and cleans the peritoneal cavity. The fluid allowed to remain in the peritoneal cavity is transferred to the plastic bag that previously contained the fluid. Then the patient cuts that bag and connects the bag of a new solution, which should be drawn into the peritoneal cavity. When the fluid is in the body, the new bag is tubed and placed in the patient's underwear until the next treatment. This operation usually takes 30 minutes and should be done 5 times a week.

Advantages of different types of dialysis

Both types of dialysis, hemodialysis and protonyl dialysis, have advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the patient to decide which of these operations is best for him based on his lifestyle, other illnesses, support system, and his level of responsibility in the treatment plan. Each patient should look at these two types of treatment methods from his own point of view.

Regardless of the type of dialysis they choose, patients have various responsibilities, such as following a meal plan, paying attention to their fluid intake, and taking vitamins and other medications to control blood pressure and calcium and phosphate balance.

For many patients, one of the most important advantages of hemodialysis is that they have no involvement in treatment. All they have to do is go to a hospital or dialysis clinic. In addition, in dietary hemodialysis. Controlling body fluids is more difficult than peritoneal dialysis.

For those patients who prefer more independent treatments, peritoneal dialysis has a more flexible schedule and can be done at home. But he still has to spend an hour daily for dialysis, but he can adjust the schedule according to his work. In addition, peritoneal dialysis should be performed every day of the week.

The most important problem of peritoneal dialysis is the possibility of infection. The patient has a plastic tube that goes out of the peritoneal cavity, and this can increase the possibility of bacteria entering the body.

How can patients increase their information about dialysis?

There are many sources of information available to dialysis patients. The patient's doctor usually has video tapes in which the dialysis techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of each are explained very well.

Dialysis at a glance

Dialysis is an operation that can replace many of the normal functions of the kidneys.

Dialysis allows kidney failure patients to live a good and fruitful life.

There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Where can you buy a dialysis bed?

Dialysis bed is one of the most important discussions that every treatment center should pay a lot of attention to. Because the duration of dialysis was very long, and for this reason, a good quality bed should be used for the dialysis department. On the other hand, most of the medical centers use other beds that are used for other departments of the hospital in the dialysis department (due to the cheaper cost). Dialysis beds of Hamadaria company are one of the best beds available in the market (dialysis bed, operating room bed, children's bed, hospitalization bed and other beds). You can get to know and buy the products of this holding by using HamadAria collection website.

It is necessary to follow the treatment:

(Dialysis programs, tests, doctor's visit...) In case of symptoms of uremia (such as decrease or absence of urinary output, sudden weight gain, swelling of legs and knees, fever, breathing problems), consult a doctor immediately. Vomiting, diarrhea, and working or playing in a hot environment may cause fluid removal from the body, so it is recommended to drink more fluids in case of any of the above problems, and to avoid symptoms of dehydration such as (dry mucous membranes and lips, thirst, Decreased urination, dizziness) should be noted. In case of severe constipation, use laxatives such as mycelium powder. The amount of fluids received along with these drugs should be recorded, blood pressure, weight, absorption and excretion of fluids should be monitored daily. Depression is the most common mental complaint in dialysis patients. It is a response to reality, fear or an imaginary loss. Its manifestations include persistent depressed mood, poor self-image and feeling of hopelessness, and if left untreated, it can lead to suicide or discontinuation of dialysis. Malnutrition is also a common problem in patients who undergo dialysis for a long time, and approximately 1/3 of dialysis patients (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) suffer from it. Malnutrition can be caused by low food intake, increased protein loss. High blood pressure is also the main cause of hospitalization and death of dialysis patients. Other complications include blood disorders, endocrine disorders, bone disease, etc.


If the patient undergoes hemodialysis twice a week, it is recommended that the amount of protein consumed be 0.5-1g/kg, and if hemodialysis is performed three times a week, the intake of protein should be almost free. Use proteins that have biological value and high quality, such as animal proteins. Avoid consuming vegetable proteins as much as possible. A high-calorie diet, rich in fat and carbohydrates is important to prevent muscle wasting. Fluid intake is 400-700ml in addition to the volume of urine per day. In general, it should be such that the excess weight between two dialysis sessions does not exceed two kilograms (up to 2 grams per day). Foods such as peas, sausages, pickles, canned soups, smoked fish, and salt should be avoided. Foods containing phosphorus should be limited, milk and yogurt should be avoided for more than half a glass a day. Also, avoid all kinds of meat, beans, cheese, etc. If there are no restrictions, light exercise before meals helps to increase appetite.

Sample diet in hemodialysis:

Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner

Unsalted bread, 2 slices of sponge cake, 60 grams, celery stew: rice, 10 tablespoons of sugar wafers, 5 chicken sandwiches: unsalted bread, 2 slices of chicken, 90 grams

1 egg, 1 piece of fruit (from the low or medium potassium group), 90 grams of lean meat, 1 cup of lemon juice (from the low or medium potassium group), 1 small carrot salad

milk, 1/3 glass of cooked cockerel, 1/2 glass of tea, 1 glass of cabbage, 1/2 glass

Tea, 1 glass of lettuce salad, 1 glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of jam

sugar, 2 tablespoons of jam, olive oil, 2 tablespoons of jam, vinegar, 2 tablespoons of jam

1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon salt


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